We use the best technologies for web monitoring and for the removal of illegal content - from brand abuse to counterfeit products - starting from the in-depth study of the customer and his business needs.
We make our knowledge available to offer a multi-level and multi-channel approach in order to protect customer rights on the web, from marketplaces to social networks, by acting against infringements of intellectual and industrial property.
The integrated offer of sophisticated technological infrastructures and advanced professional expertise allows DcP to offer
a vast range of solutions to protect contents and brands on the net
. The complex IT architecture underlying the system integrates data from different platforms. Innovation represents the continuous challenge in DcP e
is the common denominator of our multilevel approach: for this reason we follow a continuous development of solutions and
IRIDE, ARTEMIDE, IANUS are the names of the proprietary platforms developed in-house
DCP services:
In parallel with the services for monitoring and contrasting violations, DcP develops an in-depth activity of
business intelligence
to provide the customer with a wide range of
alternative enforcement solutions: since there is no single tool capable of guaranteeing an effective defense of intellectual property and personal rights, we strive to provide the customer with a multilevel approach to the problem, based on a total customization of the service
and on a profound study of his needs and of the phenomenon that concerns him. These activities are carried out by highly qualified technical personnel who have been collaborating with the Italian prosecutors and the police forces for over ten years: the professionals dedicated to these activities have in fact already been protagonists of all the most important cases of seizure and blocking of illegal sites .
Among the numerous solutions proposed:
DcP - Digital Content Protection S.r.l.
Via Leone XIII, 14, 20145 Milano
PI/CF: 08328200962